Family Support for Teaching and Learning Framework

The Standards-Based Teaching and Learning Framework is a common set of expectations identifying the roles of students, educators, administrators, and parents/guardian. Contributions from each of these groups is integral to the success of the framework that is designed to serve all students to help them be successful. 

  • Purpose
  • Assessment for Student Learning
  • Classroom Environment and Culture
  • Curriculum and Pedagogy
  • Student Engagement


Teaching and Learning Framework background:


Supporting the Five Dimensions 


To understand the Colorado Academic Standards and the skills and concepts students must master.

PSD parents/guardians are encouraged to:

  • Understand the Colorado Academic Standards
  • Develop awareness of what their students are learning in school
  • Reinforce how current learning is utilized in the real world and is relevant beyond the task at hand. 

In partnership with parents/guardians, PSD will: 

  • Communicate what units and standards their students are studying, including success criteria
  • Talk with parents/guardians about specific learning needs along with how to support those needs at home.
  • Communicate specifics about grading and reporting policies and practices and assessment schedules.


Assessment for Student Learning

To become aware and understand assessment strategies being used to monitor students' progress.

PSD parents/guardians are encouraged to:

  • Understand assessment strategies being used
  • Develop an awareness regarding the assessments their students will take
  • Understand their student's progress toward mastery
  • Support their students at home with specific learning needs that have been identified.
  • Understand grading and reporting policies/practices and know how to access their own students' grades 


In partnership with parents/guardians, PSD will: 

  • Share assessment strategies 
  • Talk with parents/guardians about specific learning needs along with how to support those needs at home.
  • Communicate specifics about grading and reporting policies and practices and assessment schedules.


Classroom Environment and Culture

To create a positive classroom culture for student learning. 

PSD parents/guardians are encouraged to:

  • Understand classroom systems and routines and encourage students' successful participation in these systems and routines.

In partnership with parents/guardians, PSD will: 

  • Share school and classroom culture, norms, and expectations, and communicate guidelines for systems and routines. 


Curriculum and Pedagogy

To have an organized plan for instruction and strategies to engage students in learning the standards.

PSD parents/guardians are encouraged to:

  • Be aware of the adopted materials and supporting resources being used to support learning.
  • Encourage their students to take on challenging learning opportunities. 
  • Understand instructional strategies being used with their own students.

In partnership with parents/guardians, PSD will: 

  • Communicate information about adopted materials and support resources.
  • Share strategies used to challenge students.
  • Inform parents/guardians about instructional strategies being used with students.


Student Engagement

To use strategies that will generate a high level of student interest, leading to student ownership, commitment, and learning.

PSD parents/guardians are encouraged to:

  • Support their student's readiness to learn and encourage ownership of learning.
  • Understand the relevance and importance of learning opportunities to post-secondary pursuits.
  • Help their students to act on areas of interests, passions and strengths.
  • Be aware of and understand the role of adults that provide additional support of their student in their school environment. 

In partnership with parents/guardians, PSD will: 

  • Collaborate with parents/guardians to increase awareness of the relevancy of learning to post-secondary pursuits.
  • Communicate about strategies put in place to engage students.