School Counseling

PSD counselors pose together.

PSD school counselors are an integral part of our educational systems. PSD has 100+ school counselors in all our schools (some of those friendly faces are pictured above), serving students K-12. School counselors are masters level educators and are connectors for students, families and staff serving across all tiers. School counselors are active leaders within their schools, make data-driven decisions, and advocate for equitable education and opportunities for all students and work to remove barriers.

"School Counselors - Building Better Humans" text with graphics of people.We believe all students are valued and deserve to be listened to and connected to themselves, one another and resources to help them succeed academically, socially and emotionally, and connecting to interests and careers. 

Robust school counseling programs aid in better academic outcomes for students, improved attendance rates, fewer disciplinary incidents, higher graduation rates, connections to adults, and students feeling connected to their interests and post-secondary options.

Counselors provide academic, social/emotional and career interest support throughout all tiers. 

  • Tier 1 (Universal Supports)
    • Daily counseling needs and connecting families to school-based resources and community resources
    • Collaboration and implementation with Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
    • Support Restorative Practices (Circles and Conversations)
    • School-wide Programming (Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS), Sources of Strength, WEB, Kindness Campaigns, Regulation Activities, etc)
    • Family Support
  • Tier 2 
    • Targeted classroom intervention/instruction
    • Targeted Tier 2 supports: small-group counseling, individual brief counseling, check in/check out, etc.
    • Consultation and collaboration with families and school staff
  • Tier 3 
    • Support with development and implementation of individualized plans
    • Collaboration, consultation, facilitation of referrals and response to crisis with families, schools and community providers
    • Response to crisis situations 


PSD counselors adhere to the standards of the American School Counselor Association. Learn more about school counselors on the

To find out more about a specific school's counseling program and counselors, please contact your student's school.

Contact Information

PSD Counseling Coordinator
Beth Green | 970.490.3222 |

Elementary School Lead Counselors
Maryann Spence | 488.488.4190 |
Christie McPhail | 970.488.4319 |

Middle School Lead Counselors
Andrea Christensen | 472-3701 | 
Karen Irvine | 970.488.5408 |

High School Lead Counselors
Brooke Wagner | 970.488.7025 |
Nicole Alvarado | 970.488.6271 |