Update 2 - PSD Facilities Steering Committee

To keep our community informed about long-range planning efforts, we will send an update after each meeting of and presentation by the PSD Facilities Planning Steering Committee to the school board.

You can find all committee updates and additional communications on the Long-Range Planning web section. To translate the update into a language other than English, scroll to the top of the web page, click on “Translate / Traducción / ?? / 翻译 / ?????,” and select a language. 

Key Takeaways   

  • GIS firm models possible options: FLO Analytics, an outside GIS firm hired by PSD, modeled the committee’s preliminary boundary changes and school consolidation options and presented those to committee members Tuesday. 
  • Identifying, refining options: The committee will be identifying which possible options to move forward with and then identify modifications and additional, alternative options. Additional discussion will take place at the committee’s next meeting. 
  • School board vote coming in June: The Board of Education is scheduled to vote in June 2024 about how to proceed, after considering the committee’s 2-3 recommendations. 


Understanding PSD  

This video series is designed to help our community to learn more about the district’s long-range planning process, the district budget, and more, as our community grapples with declining student enrollment. The first two episodes were released in previous editions of the PSD Now community newsletter, and we thought it was potentially helpful to share them again here.  

EPISODE 1 | What problem is PSD trying to solve? Learn about student enrollment trends 


EPISODE 2  | Fact or fiction: When my property taxes go up, PSD gets more money, right?