Transparency and Public Records Requests

Requests for public records

To submit a request for public records, please visit the:


In accordance with the and District Policy KDB (Public Inspection and Copying of Records), PSD will make public records available for inspection and copying upon request unless they are confidential or privileged.

“Public records” is defined as all records made, maintained or kept by the district for use in the exercise of functions required or authorized by law or administrative rule, or involving the receipt or expenditure of public funds. C.R.S. § 24-72-201 et. seq.

PSD will respond to requests for public records within three working days, per C.R.S. § 24-72-203(3)(b), unless there are extenuating circumstances, in which case the response time may be extended by up to seven additional working days. In calculating the time to respond, the day the request is received is not counted (C.R.S. § 2-4-108). Requests received after 4:30 p.m., or when district offices are closed ( including weekends and holidays) will be considered received on the following business day. 

If a request is too broad or general for the district to efficiently identify the records requested, the timeframe for fulfilling the request may be put on hold while the district attempts to narrow or clarify the request. Any modification to a request will reset the response due date to three working days following the date the modification was received.

Requests for student records

Parents/legal guardians or eligible students may request student records. The most common student requests are for transcripts, immunizations or special education records. For more information, contact the PSD Records Center.

Requests for staff records

To request employment records for current or former employees, please email

Accessibility statement

PSD is committed to ensuring all information on the website and through other communication tools is accessible to everyone. If you have difficulty accessing information from the PSD website or would like information in an alternative format, please contact the Communications Department by emailing or by calling 970-490-3549.