Board Meetings and Agendas

Notice of public meeting:



Except as otherwise provided on the school calendar and unless canceled or postponed by action of the Board, regular meetings of the Board of Education shall be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each calendar month beginning at the times specified in the public notice of each such meeting provided as required by law.


Community Comment at Meetings

Board meetings are open to the public, and members of the public have an opportunity to speak in-person during community comment. To provide comments during the board meeting, members of the public must sign up to speak in advance. A sign-up form is available on this page for each specific meeting after the meeting is officially posted and the link becomes live. Meeting agendas are typically posted a week prior to each meeting. The sign-up form is available from the time the meeting agenda is posted until 5 p.m. on the Monday preceding the meeting. Those who have signed up before the deadline will receive an email acknowledgment and instructions on how to make remarks to the board during the meeting after the 5 p.m. deadline has passed.

The board president may impose ad hoc rules before or during the meeting to reasonably limit the total time allotted for community comment or the time allotted per speaker, depending on the number of people signed up to speak. The registration process may be closed early if the board president determines the capacity for providing public comment has been reached.  


Meeting Norms

This is a time for people to share their perspectives, and not intended as time for back-and-forth conversations with board members. We are collectively committed to our community’s children and strive to create and model environments in which respectful dialogue may occur as part of the democratic process.

We ask for everyone’s commitment to the following as they attend and engage in PSD board meetings:  

  • Respect | We may not all agree but should strive to be respectful of one another and our individual views.  
  • Listen | We expect to create a space where one individual may speak while board directors, staff and meeting attendees listen to what they have to say.
    • We ask that attendees not interject or interrupt community comments or board discussions.
    • The board will not respond to questions from attendees during the meeting. 

Learn more about PSD engagement norms. >>


Electronic Board Meetings

If needed, board meetings may be held electronically in compliance with C.R.S. 22-32-108 and board Policy 3.12. The location of each board meeting will be specified on the board meeting agenda.  


Contacting the Board

Community members may contact the board about meeting agenda topics or other issues by emailing Emails sent or received are subject to Colorado Open Records law and may be made public. Board members may or may not elect to respond to comments sent to

Recordings of board meetings: 


Other Events 

Two or more members of the board may, on occasion, attend district or community events that are not convened by the board to discuss business of the school board. Examples of these events include high school graduations, school plays, celebratory events, or informational meetings. 


Meeting Minutes

2024-25 School Year

2023-24 School Year

2022-23 School Year

School Board1

Past Minutes

For minutes not listed, email

School Board2


Learn about district priorities on the Superintendent's web page.

School Board

District Policies

Question about policies? See the District Policies web page.