Personal Safety and Injury Prevention

A man helps a student with his bike helmet.


Icon first aid kit.Apply personal safety knowledge and skills to prevent and treat injury

Students should be able to apply personal safety knowledge and skills to prevent and treat injury.


Elementary Learning Goals


  • Develop self-management skills and personal hygiene skills to promote healthy habit
  • Explain how personal hygiene and cleanliness affect wellness

First-third grades:

  • Demonstrate health-enhancing behaviors to prevent injury or illness
  • Recognize basic childhood chronic diseases

Fourth-fifth grades:

  • Explain how the dimensions of wellness are interrelated and impact personal health
  • Demonstrate interpersonal communication skills needed to discuss personal health problems to establish and maintain personal health and wellness
  • Comprehend concepts and identify strategies to prevent the transmission of disease


Middle and High School Learning Goals

Sixth - eighth grades:

  • Analyze how positive health behaviors can benefit people throughout their lifespan.
  • Promote and enhance health through disease prevention.

Ninth - 12th grades: 

  • Develop and maintain ongoing evaluation of factors that impact health, and modify lifestyle accordingly.

Contact Information

Health Curriculum Facilitator
Jo Dixon |