Parent Support and Resources

Handshake icon representing parent support and resources.Advocating for your gifted child at school




The unique social and emotional needs of GT students

As Ian Byrd, a nationally-known gifted education presenter said, "Although we often define gifted students by their intelligence, it is their social and emotional needs that are often the biggest challenge.  By having a better understanding of gifted students' needs beyond pure academics, we can better serve as their (parents), teachers, and mentors."  .

Other social and emotional resources:






Twice-exceptional (2e) information for parents 

"Some students with learning and thinking difference have outstanding skills in certain areas.  These kids are often called "twice-exceptional (or 2e) learners.  They are exceptional in two ways.  They are gifted, and they have learning differences" (Morin 2014).

For more parent information regarding your 2e learner, please click on one of these following links:

CDE one-pager 2e document for parents (2016)-- English version OR 



Dabrowski's Overexcitabilities in Gifted Children (2020)



Various Perspectives on Boredom in Class

When "I'm Bored" Doesn't Call for More Challenge.pdf (2008 article in Understanding Our Gifted)

Boredom: A Surprisingly Interesting Topic.pdf (2008 article in 2e Newsletter)

(2013 article in Psychology Today)  



A variety of resources are available for parents of gifted children, as well as gifted children themselves.