District and State Assessments

A Meaningful Part of Student Learning and Instructional Planning

Assessments allow educators to monitor student progress and the effectiveness of instructional strategies. At certain times throughout the year, students are given required assessments that fulfill legislative requirements or district guidelines.

Each required assessment has an assessment window, a time-frame during which the assessment is to be administered. Within the window, the actual assessments vary in how much time students spend testing. 

Information below outlines required assessments, the assessment windows, the time students spend testing, and how the results of the assessments are used. Also indicated is whether an assessment meets a district, state, or federal requirement.

 More information:


School Readiness and Early Gifted and Talented Screening

GOLD?- Pre-K, Kindergarten


Dates: (Pre-K) Aug. 15-Oct. 18, Oct. 21-Feb. 7, Feb. 3-May 2

(K) Aug. 19-Oct. 25, Jan. 7-Jan. 31, Apr. 21-May 15

Administration Time: Observational throughout the window.

Purpose: Colorado Achievement Plan for Kids


Days Testing: 27-day window

Required by: State

Use of Results: Determine kindergarten readiness.

Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)?- Grade 2, Grades 3-12

Dates: Grades: 3-12, Oct. 7-Nov. 08

Grade 2, Grades 3-12, Feb. 10-March 11

Administration Time: 3 hours

Purpose: Gifted and Talented Identification


Days Testing: 15 day window

Required by: District

Use of Results: As part of a body of evidence to determine if students qualify for Gifted and Talented services.


Basic Literacy

READ Act Benchmark

Administration Time: Less than 10 minutes

Purpose: Colorado READ Act


Required by: State

Use of Results: Determine student acquisition of basic reading skills. Determine students with significant reading deficiency.

DIBELS8: Grades K-3, (4-5 for students on READ Plans)

Dates: Aug. 26-Sept. 9, Dec. 4-Dec. 17, Apr. 28-May 9

Dates for fall window (kindergarten only): Aug. 26-Sept. 9

Days Testing: 10 day window.

 Days Testing: 43 day window.


Secondary Literacy Intervention -?Grades 6-11 for students on READ Plans?iLit or Read180 or Achieve3000

Grades 6-12 for students on READ Plans  or or

Dates: 8/17-9/15, 12/4-1/26, 4/29-5/17


Academic Progress

NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Reading and Math?- Grades 2-10

Dates: Aug. 16-Sept. 13, Dec. 2-Jan. 24, Apr. 21-May 23

Time for Administration: 1 hour per subject

Purpose: Determine academic level and growth


Days Testing: 28 day window

Required by: District

Use of Results: Class placement, instructional grouping, MTSS, Educator Effectiveness.

Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS)

Dates: ELA/Math (Grd 3-8): Mar. 31-Apr. 25, CoAlt: Science & Social Studies (Grd 5, 8, 11): Apr. 7-Apr. 25

Administration Time: Approximately 2.5 - 5.5 hours, depending on subject and grade level.

Purpose: Elementary and Secondary Education Act and State Accountability


Days Testing: Varies

Required by: State and Federal

Use of Results: Measure student performance and growth in the Colorado Academic Standards. Screen for academic programs and placement, Educator Effectiveness.

Preparatory Exam?PSAT- Grade 9 - 10

Date: April 14-25

Administration Time: 2.25 hours

Purpose: Colorado Achievement Plan for Kids

Days Testing: additional information about testing date requirements will be provided by CDE at a later time

Required by: State

Use of Results: Determine postsecondary readiness.


College Entrance Exam SAT?- Grade 11

Date: April 14-25

Administration Time: 2.25 hours

Purpose: Colorado Achievement Plan for Kids

Days Testing: additional information about testing date requirements will be provided by CDE at a later time

Required by: State

Use of Results: Determine postsecondary readiness.




Assessments for Unique Populations

ACCESS for English Language Learners (ELL)?- Grades K-12 English Language Learners

Dates: Jan. 13-Feb. 14

Time for Administration: 4 sections averaging from 35-60 minutes each

Purpose: English Language Acquisition Proficiency and Growth

Days Testing: 43 day window

Required by: Federal

Use of Results: Measures ELL students' progress in acquiring academic English in the areas of: social and instructional language, language of science, language of social studies, language of language arts and the language of math.


Dynamic Learning Maps (English Language Arts and Math) and CoAlt (Science and Social Studies)?- Grades 3-11 Students with a Disability Qualifying for Alternate Assessments


Dates for grades 3-8 DLM: Mar. 31-Apr. 25
Dates for grades 9-11 DLM: Apr. 14-Apr. 25
CoAlt dates for grades 5, 8, 11: Apr. 7- Apr. 15

Days Testing: Varies
Time for Administration: Varies based on student needRequired by: Federal
Purpose: Elementary and Secondary Education Act and State AccountabilityUse of Results: Measure student progress toward meeting Extended Evidence Outcomes of the Colorado Academic Standards.

PROGRESS Alternate Assessment (Alternate to MAP Assessment) - Grades 2-10 Students with a Disability Qualifying for Alternate Assessments


Dates: 1st Quarter and 4th Quarter

Time for Administration: Completed during window

Purpose: Elementary and Secondary Education Act and State Accountability

Days Testing: Varies

Required by: District

Use of Results: Measure student progress toward meeting Extended Evidence Outcomes of the Colorado Academic Standards.