Individualized Education Plan (IEP)

Best Resource: Integrated Services Team

Most often the best resource for student specific questions regarding special education will be their school based Integrated Services team.  


Procedural Safeguards


IEP Meeting Agendas     

State and Federal IEP Information 



How to get involved with your child's Individual Education Plan

         Perfil estudiantil y cuestionario para padres

        Consejos útiles de padres para los padres


Records Deconstruction 

Unless the parent/guardian is otherwise advised, a student's special  education records will be destroyed according to Colorado State Archives Guidelines five years after the student moves to another school district, graduates, or otherwise stops receiving special education services from 51风流. In order to receive notices from the PSD during this five year period, the parent/guardian must keep their address on file with the district current.

The parent/guardian or student may request to review or obtain a copy of the records from the PSD Records Department at 2445 LaPorte Ave, Fort Collins, CO 8052; (970) 490-3142 or by emailing